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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/24 in all areas

  1. It was about the actual SQUARE but it doesn't have life without the people who used it.
    1 point
  2. I recall the hour prior to the city centre ‘waking up’, where you couldn’t walk a couple of yards without someone passing the time of day with you, then there was Pond Street Norah, who had a vocabulary that would make a sailor blush, who was the guy in the black and stripes and Homburg hat, was it the Duke of Darnall? John, the Town Hall bobby controlled his beat with vigour, even superior officers were very deferential when addressing him, I well recall asking his advice when I mentioned the new phenomena of shop lifting to him, I had a fairly senior position with a major retail chain that was losing close to the amount it was selling, quick as a flash John replied “Let the beat bobbies have the use of your tea rooms Dave”, job done the look on the suspects faces when a couple of uniformed bobbies walked though the shops was a picture. True there was more litter/wastage in those days as we hadn’t quite cracked the new ‘throw away’ society, thing like cardboard and othe packaging was left outside shops with no actual places to store it, however the council soon got it’s act together, along with the street sweepers, who did a cracking job. I apologise for having hands on experience of the city centre in the 1960’s, it obviously doesn’t mirror some folk’s imaginings.
    1 point
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