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Where does Sheffield figure in the numerous Blitz attacks in terms of duration/severity/casualties and deaths ?

Why target Manchester ? Did they hit the bits of Sheffield they should have been aiming at (he asks innocently) ? Where there reasons particular areas were hit, or was it random ?

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Where does Sheffield figure in the numerous Blitz attacks in terms of duration/severity/casualties and deaths ?

Why target Manchester ? Did they hit the bits of Sheffield they should have been aiming at (he asks innocently) ? Where there reasons particular areas were hit, or was it random ?

I think that the Trafford Park area of Manchester would rate highly as a strategic target. The vast Metropolitan Vickers plants were producing large bombers such as the Lancaster and many other weapons. In the later stages of the war they attempted to target Manchester & Liverpool with air-launched V1 weapons, a couple of which fell near Sheffield. As for the question "did they hit the bits they were aiming at", it's generally recognised by both combatants that night-time bombing was wildly inaccurate. Even the electronic methods used by the Luftwaffe didn't improve their accuracy due to the early equipment and low radio frequencies used. No sat-nav in those days. In mass bombing raids most bombers dropped their weapons on to existing fires. Later on "pathfinder" aircraft with crack navigators were used to try and improve accuracy.


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Where does Sheffield figure in the numerous Blitz attacks in terms of duration/severity/casualties and deaths ?

Industrial and port Cities.

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Guest SheffieldArchives


Really interesting to see those newspaper headlines from around the world. I've scanned and uploaded the post-Sheffield Blitz headlines from St Louis, December 1940 (plus a few other Sheffield Blitz related images):

Images from Sheffield Blitz

All the best,


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You never know some more pictures of the Blltz might show up; as if by magic ... he said

Advert from Sheffield Yearbook 1942

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