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28th Feb 1726:

7~HE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded

against John Downes, of Sheffield, in the County

of Y6rk, Cutler and Chapman, intend to meet on the 2-,tn

Instant, at Eight in the Morning, at the House of Mr. John

Horsfeild, being the Sign of the Rose and Crown in Sheffield,

to make a Dividend efthe said BanKrupt's Estate . when and

where the Creditors who have not already proved their

Debts, and paid their Cpntribution-Money, are to come prepared

to do the fame, or they will b» excluded the Benefit

of the said Dividend

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3rd April 1742:

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued

forth against John Dickson, of Sheffield, in the County

of York, Factor and Tradesman, and he being declared a Bankrupt,

is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners

in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them,

on the 23d of April Instant, and on the 12th and 18th pf

May next, at Ten in the Forenoon on each of the said Days,

at the House of Mrs. Elizabeth Horscfield, being the Sign ofthe

Rose and Crown in Sheffield aforesaid, and make a full Discovery

and Disclosure of his Ectate and Effects 5 when and

where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their

Debts, and at the second Sitting to chuse Allignees, and at the

last Sirting the said Bankrupt is required to- finisli his Examination,

and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from

the Allowance of his Certisicate. All Persons indebted to the

said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, art not to pay

or deliver the lame but to whom the Commissioners lhall appoint,

but give Notice to Mr. William Battie, Attorney ia

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18th July 1730 (won't let me copy and paste this one for some reason) gives a hearing 'at the house of William Watson being the sign of the Bacchus and Grapes in Sheffield.'

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26th March 1728:

T / Hereas James Rawson, of Sheffield, in the Countyof

VV Voik, Ironmonger and Grocer, hath funender'd himself,

pursuant to Notice, and been twice examined.- This is to

give Notice, that he will attend the Commillioneis on the 8th

of April next, at Two in theAfternoon, atthe House ot

Samuel Scargill, being the Sign of the Swan in Shefi-.eld aforesaid,

to finilh his Examination-, when and wheie the

Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, pay

Contiibutlon-Moncy, and assent to or distent from tbe Allowance

ofhis Certificate.

T l ; Hereas William Harwell,

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10th May 1757:

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued

forth against Robert Bow^r, of Sheffield in the County

©t York, Mercer and Chapman£ and he being declared a Bankrupt,

is hereby required to surrende? himself to the Commissioners

in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them,

on the 3d, 4th and 25th Days cf June nest, ot Ten o'Clock

in the Forenoon, on each of the said Days, at the House of

Mr. Mathew Malinson, being the Sign of the Crown, near the

Market Place in Sheffield aforesaid, and make a full Discovery and

Disclosure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Creditors

are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the

second Sitting to chuse Assignees, and at the last Sitting the

iaid Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the

Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the Allowance of his

Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that

have any of his Effects, are not to pay OT deliver the fame,

but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give


Also appears in 1753 with a Hannah Hancock named as owner.

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2nd Aug 1755:

THE Commissioners IA a Commission of Bankrupt awarded

and issued forth against George Marriott, late of Ecclesall

in the Parish of Sheffield, in the County of York, Cutler,

Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet en the zd of October next,

at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the House of William

Watson the Younger, being the George and Dragon in Sheffield,

aforesaid, in order to make a Dividend of the laid Bankrupt's

Estate j when and where the Creditors who base not

already proved their Debts, are to Come prepared to do tinfame,

or they will be excluded tbe Benefit of the laid Dividend


Pretty sure this must be High street.

George and Dragon, High Street 1761 Thomas Watson (from Leader); open from 1682.

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24th Feb 1789:

PUrsuant to an Order made by the Right Honourable Edward

Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, for

Enlarging the Time for Edward Webster, late of Sheffield, iii

the County of York, Staymaker, Dealer and Chapman, (a

Bankrupt) to surrender himself, and make a full Discovery

and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects, fof Forty-nine Days, to

be computed from the 21st of February instant: This is to give

Notice, that the Commissioners - in the said Cpmmission named

and authorized, or the major Part of them, Inteftd fo meet on the

n t h of April next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon,

at the House- of Joseph Henson, the Sign of the Bay Horse,

in Sheffield aforesaid; where the said Bankrupt is required to

surrender himself between the Hours of Eleven and One in the

Forenoon, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his

Estate and Effects, and finish his Examination; and the Creditors,

who have not already proved their Debts, may then and

there ceme and prove the fame, and assent to or dissent from the

Allowance of his Certificate.

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21st December 1736:

HE Commissioners and Allignees in a Commiflion of

Bankrupt awarded againft Sampson Bayley, late of

Sheffield, in the County of York, Filesmith and Tradesman,

intend Co meet at Mrs. Anne Wood's, the Sign of the Cock

in Sheffield aforesaid, on Saturday the 8 th of January next,

at Nine of che Clock in the Forenoon, in order to make a

Second Distribution of tbe said BankrupC's Eftate and Effects;

when and where all Perfons who have not already prored

thrir DebCs, are to come prepared to prore tbe fame, or they

will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend .- And alto

at t-he same Time to assent or dissent to the Allowance of

che, BankrupC's Cercificace.


The Cock on High street???

I'm inclined to agree, we'll leave it to Ukelele Lady to decide.

Great work by the way.

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7th June 1743:

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued

forth against John wee pipe son, late of Sheffield, in

the County of York, Factor and Tradesman, and he being

declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to

the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major

Part of them, on the 22d and 29th of June instant, and

on the 23d of July next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon

on each of the said Days, at the House of Mr. Benjamin Steer,

being the Sign of the Duke of Norfolk's Arms in Sheffield aforesaid,

and make a sell Discoveiy and Disclosure of his Estate

and Essects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared

to prove their Debts, and at thc second Sitting to chuse

Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required

to finilh his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to

or dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons

indebted to the laid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Efiects,

are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom thr.

Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. William

Battie the younger, Attorney in Sheffield aforesaid.


Duke of Norfolk Arms, a new one????

Ben Steer known 1740 at the Norfolk Arms, 56 High Street (also later known as the Clarence/Blue Bell)

(Not updated, let UKL take a look and decide)

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30 October 1790:

THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission

of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against

Hannah Rasiehurst and George Hasishurst, of Sheffield, in the

County of York, Bankers and Partners, are desired to meet the

Assignees of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects on the

24th Day of November instant, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon,

at Francis Beardsall's, the Rein Deer Inn in Sheffield, in order to

assent to or dissentfrom the said Assignees commencing, prosecuring

or defending, any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity

concerning the said Bankrupts Estate and Effects- also to

che compounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing

any Matter


A-Z updated RichardB

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23rd December 1746:

THE Commistioners in a Commission of Bankrupt award*

ed and issued forth against John Dixon, Jate of Sheffield

in the County of York, Factor and Tradesman, intend:

to meet -oi». the 15th osjanuary next, at Ten of theClock

In the Forenoon, at the House of Mr. WilIaim Watson the

Elder, being the Sign of» the Bacchus and -Grapes In Sheffield!

aforesaid, in order to make a further Dividend, of the &iib

Bankrupt's Eitate and- Effects j when and where the Creditors*

who have not already proved their Debts, arc to come ore-,

pared- to prove the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit

of the said Dividend. At which Time and PJace all the-

Creditors who have already proved their Debts, afe defired to

attend,, in order to consent to the surviving AfTJgnocU compounding,

or otherwise disposing of the outstanding Debts be*

longing to the said Bankrupt's Estate.

1~"*HE Commissioners in a Commistion


Another new one?

Well worthy of discussion; needs an address though.

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31st May 1817:

THE Creditors of Samuel Crookes, o/ Sheffield, in the

County of York, Shopkeeper, who has lately been discharged

from the gaol of Shetiwld, under and by virtue of an Act of

Parliament made and passed in the fifty-third year of the

reign of His present Majesty, intituled " An'Act for the

Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England," are requested to

meet at the House of Mr. Thomas Haidwicke, the Fig Tree

Tavern, in Sheffield aforesaid, on Tuesday the 10th day of

June next, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon, in order to

choose an Assignee or Assignees of the estate and effects of

the said Samuel Croukes.

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27 August 1808, part of an auction listing:

3. The Reveision t>n the Determination of-a Term for

1000 Years from the'27th Day of September .1773, °f a 'l

that other Freehold Messuage or Dwelling-House used as a

public House, called the Bird in Hand, also situate in Church-

Lane, now or late in the Occupation of Thomas-Rose.

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31st May 1817:

THE Creditors of Samuel Crookes, o/ Sheffield, in the

County of York, Shopkeeper, who has lately been discharged

from the gaol of Shetiwld, under and by virtue of an Act of

Parliament made and passed in the fifty-third year of the

reign of His present Majesty, intituled " An'Act for the

Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England," are requested to

meet at the House of Mr. Thomas Haidwicke, the Fig Tree

Tavern, in Sheffield aforesaid, on Tuesday the 10th day of

June next, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon, in order to

choose an Assignee or Assignees of the estate and effects of

the said Samuel Croukes.

We have Thomas Hardwick, Figtree, Figtree Lane 1818-20 (a specific time, not from 1818 to 1820 just a directory covering 1818-1820; your 1817 beats that).

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27 August 1808, part of an auction listing:

3. The Reveision t>n the Determination of-a Term for

1000 Years from the'27th Day of September .1773, °f a 'l

that other Freehold Messuage or Dwelling-House used as a

public House, called the Bird in Hand, also situate in Church-

Lane, now or late in the Occupation of Thomas-Rose.

New keeper; we have John Goddard (1774) and William West (1818-1820); place known from 1761 - probably earlier than that.

Not updated, let UKL see it first.

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Nice one !

Exchange, 40 Exchange Street, Warburton and Co (1841)

Robert Didsbury also known at the Murray's Arms, 13 Queen Street/58 Queen Street (1845-1847) and the Falcon, 13 or 15 Flat Street (1849)

Let Ukelele Lady decide about James Garlick.

Maybe James Garlick was the manager for Warburton & Co but I do remember recently typing James Garlick

to a certain pub . Can't seem to find it as yet.

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7th June 1743:

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued

forth against John Dick son, late of Sheffield, in

the County of York, Factor and Tradesman, and he being

declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to

the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major

Part of them, on the 22d and 29th of June instant, and

on the 23d of July next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon

on each of the said Days, at the House of Mr. Benjamin Steer,

being the Sign of the Duke of Norfolk's Arms in Sheffield aforesaid,

and make a sell Discoveiy and Disclosure of his Estate

and Essects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared

to prove their Debts, and at thc second Sitting to chuse

Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required

to finilh his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to

or dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons

indebted to the laid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Efiects,

are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom thr.

Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. William

Battie the younger, Attorney in Sheffield aforesaid.


Duke of Norfolk Arms, a new one????

We have James Steer from 1864-68 at the Norfolk Arms / Blue Bell , High Steet

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24th Feb 1789:

PUrsuant to an Order made by the Right Honourable Edward

Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, for

Enlarging the Time for Edward Webster, late of Sheffield, iii

the County of York, Staymaker, Dealer and Chapman, (a

Bankrupt) to surrender himself, and make a full Discovery

and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects, fof Forty-nine Days, to

be computed from the 21st of February instant: This is to give

Notice, that the Commissioners - in the said Cpmmission named

and authorized, or the major Part of them, Inteftd fo meet on the

n t h of April next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon,

at the House- of Joseph Henson, the Sign of the Bay Horse,

in Sheffield aforesaid; where the said Bankrupt is required to

surrender himself between the Hours of Eleven and One in the

Forenoon, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his

Estate and Effects, and finish his Examination; and the Creditors,

who have not already proved their Debts, may then and

there ceme and prove the fame, and assent to or dissent from the

Allowance of his Certificate.

We have a John Henson for the Bayhorse 1774 followed by a Josesh

most likely his son.

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I'm inclined to agree, we'll leave it to Ukelele Lady to decide.

Great work by the way.

Yes I'll go along with that one. [ the Cock High Street , Anne Wood ]

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10th May 1757:

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued

forth against Robert Bow^r, of Sheffield in the County

©t York, Mercer and Chapman£ and he being declared a Bankrupt,

is hereby required to surrende? himself to the Commissioners

in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them,

on the 3d, 4th and 25th Days cf June nest, ot Ten o'Clock

in the Forenoon, on each of the said Days, at the House of

Mr. Mathew Malinson, being the Sign of the Crown, near the

Market Place in Sheffield aforesaid, and make a full Discovery and

Disclosure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Creditors

are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the

second Sitting to chuse Assignees, and at the last Sitting the

iaid Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the

Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the Allowance of his

Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that

have any of his Effects, are not to pay OT deliver the fame,

but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give


Also appears in 1753 with a Hannah Hancock named as owner.

The Crown Nr Market Place, could it be the one on Pinstone Street

or the one on High Street?

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3rd April 1742:

WHereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued

forth against John Dickson, of Sheffield, in the County

of York, Factor and Tradesman, and he being declared a Bankrupt,

is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners

in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them,

on the 23d of April Instant, and on the 12th and 18th pf

May next, at Ten in the Forenoon on each of the said Days,

at the House of Mrs. Elizabeth Horscfield, being the Sign ofthe

Rose and Crown in Sheffield aforesaid, and make a full Discovery

and Disclosure of his Ectate and Effects 5 when and

where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their

Debts, and at the second Sitting to chuse Allignees, and at the

last Sirting the said Bankrupt is required to- finisli his Examination,

and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from

the Allowance of his Certisicate. All Persons indebted to the

said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, art not to pay

or deliver the lame but to whom the Commissioners lhall appoint,

but give Notice to Mr. William Battie, Attorney ia

I wonder if this is the Rose & Crown on High Street as there were also

one on Market Place and one at Waingate .

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The Sportsman 125 Thomas Street

1859 J Thorpe

1863 , 64, 65, George Thorpe

1868 Harriett Pashley

1876 John Rosten

1879, 83, Joseph Vick

1887, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 96, Henry Lee

1898, John William Hardcastle

1902, 03, Charles Wragg

1907, 10, Mrs Sarah Dearman

1912, 13, John Wheatley

1916, 17, 19, 20, 21, William Mallows

1922 Thomas Mallows

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The Stafford Arms 30 Stafford Street / 30 Collier's Row Park

1859 William Morton

1863, 64, 65, James Gleadall

1868 Benjamin Staniforth

1876 John Hukin

1879 , 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93. 95, 96, 98, John Smith

1902, 03, 07, Thomas Trueman

1910, Richard J Whitworth

1912, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, Tom Blackwell

Sheffield Arms / House 107 Upwell Street

1859, 65, 68, Peter Jones

1871 , 76, 79, Charles Jones

1883 , 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 96, Edward Blackburn

1898, 1902, 03, 07, George Lidster

1910, 12, 13, 16, 17, Ernest Walkland

1919, 20, 21, 22, Mrs Rosa Pickard.

Are the Sheffield Arms and House the same? It is called Sheffield Arms in 1868 with Peter Jones keeper

Then in 1871 it is Sheffield House with Charles Jones, probably his son.

Most likely the same unless it was rebuilt between 1868 and 1871.

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The Surrey Arms 176 Granville Street

1849, 59, Joseph Crossland

1863, 64, 65, David Woodhouse

The Shrewsbury Hotel 17-19 Paradise Square

1883 G E Jacobs

1887, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 96, William Shreek

1898, 1902, John Barker

1903 Walter Biggins

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The Salutation 83 Upper St Philips Road

1856, 59, 63, 64, 65, 68, Henry Bacon

1876, 79, Mrs Ellen E Bacon

1883, W Spencer

1887, 88, 89, 90, Edwin Borwick

1995, 98, Harry Bolton

1902 Robert Bocking

1903 George H Burcher

1907 James Spiers

1910 John Thomas Jolly

1912, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, Gershom Ellis

The Shakespeare Bradfield Road

1856, 59, J Wilkinson

1863, Edward Hoycard

1868, John Ellis

1876, 79, William Wild

1883, Samuel Helliwell

1887, 88, 89, Henry Newton

1890, 95, 96, 98, Samuel Haslam

1902, 03, 07, 10, 12, Mrs Mary Jane Merry

1913, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, John A Chambers

The South Street Hotel 71 South Street Moor

1859, George Bullas

1863, 64, 65, 68, 76, 79, Thomas Catley

1883, 87, Robert Lee

1888, 89, 90, 93, George Sharp

1895, 96, 98, Charles Oliver

1902, 03, William A Pashley

1907, Mrs Harriett Wood

1910, George Wright

1912 Fred Caunt

1913, 16, 17, 19, 20, Aubrey Broughton Bosworth

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