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Can anyone help?

Guest loopysue

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Guest loopysue

Can anyone give me a pointer?

We found a photo in a brooch/broach at my late grans house of a soldier, nobody has a clue to who he might be. YET!

I being a kid who took toys apart to see how they work had to dismantle the brooch 'just to see'

At the back of the soldier was a young lady, maybe his sweetheart?

I have been trying to find out what uniform he could be wearing, is it first/second war or some other campaign?

Can anyone help, oohh and also how do I actually put the pic on this site???????

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Create your message, go to the bottom right, hit the Browse button, point to where the file is stored on your computer e.g. desktop, then press Upload (green button). Repeat process for any other pictures. Submit message as normal when you have uploaded all your pictures.

Hope this helps.

Also, if you delete everything between the two

entries when replying, you don't get the original message repeated, or you can edit down the original to provide emphasis. I know you weren't trying to do this, just posting the tip .. :rolleyes:
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thanks love, will try it...here goes!

Call a halt to this link please, go with the one with the photo. BTW "pointers" is precisely what we are here for, that Tsavo bloke knows some stuff ! If he doesn't know, he makes it up :rolleyes:

PLEASE, ANY further posts on this subject, use the other link with the photos.


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