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Important Historical Documents Being Destroyed


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May I remind us all that it was the epitome of private enterprise, the Banking system, which brought this country to its knees. It wasn't the working man, the poor, asylum seekers, or those less able to look after themselves...yet they are the ones who have suffered the worst under the Governments Austerity measures. Meanwhile, 85 individuals own as much as does 50% of the entire world's population. The rich have become vastly richer whilst the poor remain the poor....and the gap between them continues to widen.

Private enterprise is not the answer to all our ills. Indeed, it can be argued that unfettered private enterprise is the root cause. We should be building a progressive and caring society, not one heading backwards to the dark days of pure greed and selfishness....where services can only be accessed via the wallet/credit card. :rolleyes:

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Indeed but most heritage organisations including the Museums are charitable trusts and although it is true that MS and SIMT have some Council funding it is no longer the bulk of their money nor does the Council have so much control over what they do. So you can safely donate to the Heritage groups and the Museums without Council interference. The Archives do not have that luxury. The Council of course cannot make bids for Lottery funding in its own right only alongside a charity. The problem is that the Council is not used to working in tandem with these groups and more used to being in control. The Council had more control when it was in a position to add to any funding organisations such as Shepherd Wheel were getting. It hasn't those kind of funds any more so they are having to learn to be more in partnership. Council Officers I think have been well aware of a need to change but they are in a difficult position because of massive cuts in their departments especially re heritage officers and archaeology departments. Actually I can see that as having advantages if heritage groups are a bit more pushy because they have the knowledge and the expertise and they are also the ones who can ask for funding so in effect have the upper hand. The Council needs extra funding and only the heritage groups can get it.

Just a point of clarification, the Shepherd Wheel project wasn't funded in any part by the Council. It did underwrite the match funding so that work could begin, but in the event it wasn't required. The other input they did provide was a half-time project officer. Sadly not even this is available now.

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Thank You for Clarification. I believed they did put some funding in re repair of the Dam though they were by no means significant contributors to it.

I am not going to enter into what funds the council has or hasn't got, as my main argument is about attitude not about money. Several thousand people visited places in Sheffield re Heritage Open Day and I invited all local politicians to come and visit their local venue but not one from any party, candidate or already councillor or MP took me up on that, even though originally 4 parties said they would. So not purely a Labour Council thing. I have had an argument with an ex Lib Dem Councillor who told me the Central Library should be totally demolished as in his opinion it was an ugly building and a waste of the Council's money. I have heard from a friend that there are members within the Greens that don't see why money should be put into restoring old buildings. Heritage is not seen as an important political issue in Sheffield.

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Not exactly If you look how many local history and heritage organisations there are in Sheffield. There are over 100 organisations, around 2,000 heritage events a year. Up to several thousand attending heritage events. 53 venues open in Heritage Open Days. Millenium Gallery in top 4 re visitor numbers in Yorkshire. Look how many people are on this forum alone. Its more the politicians are out of line with the people.

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Well , that's what I meant....After all, they are the ones who, ultimately, make most of the decisions....leaving those who care about our heritage to lobby the local politicians...who, frankly, have other priorities. That said, from casual conversations about the University's monstrosity currently being erected in place of a nice Edwardian structure,I am saddened by a general lack of interest.....So perhaps our Philistinism is still alive and well!

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